Anyone who has experienced an ankle sprain knows that lots of different things happen. These things include experiencing pain, loss of movement, loss of power, loss of function and loss of balance. Restoring all these components is vital to restoring full...
These are all normal and real concerns, even barriers to being more active when suffering from depression or any emotional or mental health issue. Becoming more active – from whatever baseline – is the most important treatment for persistent fatigue as it helps with...
There are less than 2 weeks left of winter, so let the Power Physiotherapy team help you get back on track and moving well. Sandra, Stefano and Darren can help put that ‘Spring’ back in your step starting with Part 1 of your Wellness Programme. Top 5 tips...
Muscles get a lot of blame for pain. Even in our modern society of ‘health’ we are often led to believe that something is WRONG with our muscles when in fact all we need to do is listen to our body’s ‘pain signal’ and change what we are...
Welcome to Part One of our ‘Understanding Pain’ series. Pain is a part of life and a common experience; most, if not all of us will experience or have experienced pain at some point.So what is it, what is the purpose of it and what should we do if...